Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Don't Leave Home Without It.

I had a commercial audition for the above company.

The star is this guy

When I got the call from the casting director I have to admit I was sooo stoked.

To quote my dear friend Dup, "I began smelling the money". I imagined how M. Night Shyamalan and I would hit it off.

I started to think of things to say about his movies. Just so we would have something to talk about. I would say something weirdly witty that would take him by surprise. We would get to laughing and the Casting Director would say something like, "OK guys lets focus up here."

Well, guess what.

M. Night wasn't there.

Instead....I went into a small room with an older gentleman(nothing close to M. Night) that has been around the block and was more than happy to offer me acting tips. Like don't forget to smile when you slate. "They like that."

SWEET! thanks pops. I got it.

The set up is this....

OH WAIT! there is no set up.

CD(casting director): There are no sides. We just want you to improvise.

me: Great. (Cool. I feel comfortable with just being myself.....)

CD: Just stand behind him and when I hit the wall look at him.

me: ok. (WHAT THE ?!#$*)

CD: Like you are his angel.

me: sure. (Yeah. It's all clear now.)

CD hits the table which barely makes a dull thud, slowly pan over the man's shoulder and smile at him as if everything is alright.


CD: Lets do it one more time and this time look straight down at him from above.

me: alright (Get me out of here!)

same dull thud this time on a wall. looked straight down but since I am short couldn't see the guy's eyes at all. Just "acted" to his forehead.


CD: Great. Thanks.

me: Thanks! (what just happened?)

oh lord.

can't wait to meet M. Night!


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